【自己的头发多长时间剪一次,你知道吗?】你是否会不确定头发多长时间该剪一次?答案可能比你想的要复杂,剪头发的周期,取决于你的发型、发质和头发的受损程度。快来看看专业发型师Emma Fitzgerald的建议。

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Getting long hair trimmed every eight weeks to keep it healthy.长发:每8周修剪一次
People with long hair require more regular trims because of the damage done to their strands through restyling, according to Fitzgerald. That's why she suggests seeing a stylist every eight weeks to keep long hair healthy.

Photo by Oladimeji Odunsi on Unsplash
It's easier to maintain a shorter hairstyle with visits to the salon every four to six weeks短发:每4到6周修剪一次
Fitzgerald recommends that those sporting a shorter look still have their hair trimmed regularly, making an appointment every four to six weeks.
"It's basically about image," she said. "It's not necessarily about the wear and tear. It's just about keeping that hairstyle looking like it's in tip-top shape."
tip-top:adj. 非常优秀的,完美的;顶尖的,一流的、

Photo by Bobby Rodriguezz on Unsplash
Those with coarse and curly hair have it trimmed every 12 weeks.毛糙的卷发:每3个月修剪一次
According to Fitzgerald, those who fall into this category don't need to get their hair cut very often.
"We suggest those who have a tight curl and coarse texture to their hair push it closer to 12 weeks just because the natural oils of their scalp travel down the hair strand and the oils help them naturally maintain a healthier stronger hair follicle," she said.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
If you have fine hair, you might want to get your hair cut every four to six weeks.细软的头发:每4到6周修剪一次
Whether it's wavy or straight, you should get your strands trimmed every four to six weeks if you have fine hair, according to Fitzgerald. It's really all about appearance, since thinner hair can look limp or unhealthy without regular trims.

Photo by Fineas Gavre on Unsplash
A visit to the salon every four weeks if you use heat tools in your hair a lot.经常烫发:每4周修剪一次
Using thermal tools may give you the hair of your dreams, but it can take a toll on your hair. Fitzgerald said that those who use heat usually need to get their hair cut every four weeks.
"The hair becomes damaged over time," she said. "The only way to really repair the hair is by cutting off the damaged part."
take a toll:产生负面影响;造成损失。

Photo by George Bohunicky on Unsplash
If you get your hair colored, and take care of it, you can push your appointments to every eight weeks染发且注重护理:每8周修剪一次
If you get your hair colored but treat it with care (meaning you don't style it with heat often, you don't blow dry it, and you don't play with it all the time), Fitzgerald says you don't have to get it cut quite as often.
"If someone is coloring their hair and taking good care of their hair, it's going to closer to the eight-week mark," she said.

Photo by Caleb Toranzo on Unsplash
If you want your hair to grow, leave 10 to 12 weeks between salon visits.想让头发留长:每10到12周修剪一次
You may have heard that if you want your hair to grow, you should get it trimmed often — but Fitzgerald says that's not necessarily the case. The best thing you can do is wait and let it grow for 10 to 12 weeks between appointments, she says.
She recommended putting your hair in a ponytail if you really want your hair to grow. "That way, you won't thermal style it and you won't play with it," she said. "That allows the hair to get stronger and grow."

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